Alcione Figueiredo da Silveira
BSc(Hons)Hom, RSHom, MHMA-UK
020 8144 6566
- 077 1678 8841
About Me
About Homeopathy
Understanding Homeopathy
Addiction - "I reached out to homeopathic treatment after many attempts to stop smoking. I smoked for over 10 years but after approx. 8 months of supportive treatment I am now free from the addiction. My experience was defiantly not a 'walk in the park' but it was worth the effort. In my opinion homeopathy is not for the faint hearted, but I would defiantly recommend it as a complimentary therapy." British
Chronic Allergy - “The reason I started the homeopathic treatment was because I had an allergy, a very strong itchy throat and ears. The treatment was very positive for me in several aspects. First I got to know myself better and learnt how not get so dependent on remedies. I felt much better after treatment and more balanced. I would definitely recommend it.” C. C. - Brazilian
Treating side effects of breast cancer allopathic treatment - I could feel a big improvement, including the unpleasant symptoms that chemotherapy caused, symptoms that was aggravated by stress and anxiety. The intervention of homeopathy contributed positively specially because its action is directly on the roots of the symptoms, physical or mental. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Alcione for her professionalism, knowledge, and all studies in the field of homeopathy that really helped me. Also to express my feelings of gratitude for Hahnemann. " V.S. Brazilian
Anxiety, Chronic Allergy and Depression - "I was suffering running nose every single day and irritating mucus in my throat. Psychologically I had anxiety and feeling unable to move aside the sadness from my everyday life. I had suffered these physical symptoms for 3 months and the anxiety for longer time, around 8 months. My experience with Homeopathy has been very satisfactory. During the four months of treatment and since the first weeks, I have felt a gradual improvement of initial symptoms, setting the anxiety and felling more balanced. I strongly recommend my Homeopath to my friends, she is very professional. Thanks to her help I had a good recovery and I feel as I got back balance and welfare". D. R. H Spanish
Child Eczma - "Após várias tentativas sem sucesso, optei pela Homeopatia para tratamento da alergia crônica de meu filho de dois anos. Em poucos meses ela já não tinha mais sinais da alergia, mas com o tratamento fiz várias descobertas que levarei por toda a vida, principalmente que é essencial tratar a causa da alergia, o que empreende mais tempo mas também mais benefícios. Com o tratamento começei a entender a necessidade de me tratar também, pois como mãe e estando diretamente ligada a ele, principalmente emocionalmente, o meu bem estar é fundamental para o bem estar dele. Com o passar do tempo outros problemas e situações vieram a tona e pude ver o tratamento homeopático atuando e e transformando. Meu filho hoje tem 4 anos e é uma criança resistente as doenças infantis. Percebo o progresso que ele teve no decorrer do tratamento. " P.V. Brazilian
Dear patient - If you would you like to share your Homeopathic experience here, please write your brief testimonial to
[email protected]
and it will be anonymously published here. Thanks for your contribution! Alcione
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